Football Daily | Steve Bruce and the long and winding road that leads to … Blackpool

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“I am very disappointed and saddened to see Steve go, having made personal attempts to make him stay. But given the divisions within Sheffield United this has not been possible” – chief suit Carlo Colombotti, May 1999.

Following the global trend in shows, sporting events and entertainment, Valencia will join this practice, which has the support and technology of La Liga. Tickets will therefore go on sale at a base price, which could increase as the days go by. Buying your tickets early will ensure you get the best price” – yep, after the triumph of “dynamic” pricing in the Oasis free-for-all, the first football club to smell an opportunity to make more cash pops its head above the parapet.

With impeccable timing after the Oasis fiasco, voices in football have started to float the idea of infecting football with [this idea]. Never underestimate the potential for the most greedy owners in football to try and import terrible ideas from other industries to exploit supporter loyalty. Matchgoers are already mobilising against the recent wave of price rises and attacks on concessions. Any underhand increases will be met with enormous opposition” – the Football Supporters’ Association (FSA), which represents fans in England and Wales, is quick to respond.

Well, plenty of negativity and unbecoming jibes in your report on goings on at Birmingham City (yesterday’s Football Daily). Tom Wagner uses three letters of the alphabet to respond to such predictable tosh. FEA. Stands for ‘[eff] ‘em all’. And that includes you as well now” – Paul Edgerton.

When, years ago, I got my left-leaning Big Paper subscription, it came with a huge surprise: an irony-clad football newsletter which made me laugh out loud. The kind of football coverage I never knew existed. But as a foreigner – I can see the Johan Cruyff Arena through my bedroom window – you eventually start wondering. How many years of close reading does it take to be counted among 1,056 others?” – Job van Oel.

To follow Neil Bage’s comment on Luis Suárez’s retirement (yesterday’s Football Daily letters), it’s not just Uruguay’s front line that will suffer: the defence will need a helping hand from someone else too” – Paul Brookwood.

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