Liverpool record £57m loss for 2023-24 after missing Champions League
Costs of wages and overheads increaseNew stand boosts match-day revenue
Liverpool made a loss of £57m last season after missing out on the Champions League while wages and overhead costs increased, the club’s latest accounts have revealed.
Liverpool’s accounts for the year to 31 May 2024 show revenue rose by £20m to £614m, with commercial revenue breaking £300m for the first time. But with media revenue falling by £38m to £204m, mainly as a result of competing in the Europa League rather than the Champions League, and administration costs rising by £38m to £600m the club recorded a pre-tax loss of £57m. It made a pre-tax loss of £9m in 2023 and a £7.5m profit in 2022. Liverpool’s bank debt decreased by £10m to £116m.