Football Daily | Not the greatest week for the self-proclaimed best league in the world

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Springtime in Dublin. And then Germany. Such was the schedule planned out for Jürgen Klopp, for Liverpool to glide to the Euro Vase final and celebrate nine years of Jurg greatness with a night down Copperface Jack’s, cuisine supplied by Abra Kebabra. All after swatting aside whatever meek Euro pretenders LFC met in the final. Xabi Alonso’s Leverkusen, hopefully, to show Xabi what he’s missing. Hotels have been booked across Ireland on 22 and 23 May for months, non-refundable, naturally.

“With respect to Todd van Allen’s letter (Thursday’s Football Daily) – about Mark Ward’s letter – in which he notes that 1,056 pedants is ‘one less than the traditional 1,057 pedants’, can I be the first of 1,057 pedants to point out that it’s ‘fewer’, not ‘less’, pedants? Or is that too much pedantry even for the Football Daily?” – Christian Goldsmith (and 1,057 other pedants)

“I was rather dismayed to read about Rangers’ pompous pronouncements concerning Dundee’s waterlogged pitch (Thursday’s Football Daily), but on reflection they may have a point. Surely attempts could have been made to mop up the inundated pitch water using some of Beanotown’s Dandy and Beano surplus? These soggy publications could then be sent on to Rangers for drying out and recycling, given the plentiful supply of hot air. Or perhaps some waste heat from the town’s numerous marmalade factories could be used to dry out Dundee’s goal areas. This would also have had the additional benefit of leaving the pitch smelling all orangey with a pleasant tang. Have Dundee expressed even a Golden Shred of regret for the situation?” – Steve Malone.

“Every day for a long while I have followed the excellent Football Daily. It keeps me up to date, I feel well informed, and I love the humour. However, the final word or phrase, leaves me perplexed and confused. Am I missing out on something? Thursday’s SLUGGISH is the final straw. What’s the connection? Is there a connection? What is going on? Would love to know! Best wishes and long may you continue, explanation or not!” – D Foster.

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