Football Daily | Giving love to probably the greatest assist of all time

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For those that don’t follow basketball in the US, there’s a legendary phrase coined by Grant Napear, the Sacramento Kings TV announcer: “If you don’t like that, you don’t like NBA basketball.” Roared into the mic with all the gusto of Big John ordering a takeaway, Napear would unload his trademark remark every time a Kings player made a brilliant play. Between 1998 and 2001, Napear nearly wore his phrase out watching Jason “White Chocolate” Williams – a small, harmless-looking six-footer out of a tiny West Virginia town with a heavy drawl – who had happened to have one of the biggest bags (skill-sets for you association football folks) in the game. But rather than hitting three-pointers or dunks, Williams was a master of something different. Assists were his business, and business was booming. Buttery bounce passes, alley-oops, behind-the-back, off-the-elbow, through-your-legs, what-the-heck-was-that dimes for his teammates, Williams had no equal. You don’t have to like NBA basketball to appreciate what is going on here.

Multiple football matches all kicking off at the same time in Europe this week? Whatever will they think of next? I hope the various football correspondents won’t all collapse in confusion at 3pm this Saturday. The final day of the season must be an absolute nightmare for the poor dears” – Tim Eveleigh.

Arguably the most satisfying thing about the Bigger Vase group phase was that the Nice guys did not finish last” – Peter Oh.

Max Maxwell winning letter o’ the day for his Shakespeare riffs (yesterday’s Football Daily letters). Rewarding such shenanigans sets a dangerous precedent. Max should be Bard” – Antony Train.

This is an extract from our daily football email … Football Daily. To get the full version, just visit this page and follow the instructions.

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